Such a cute picture of the three on Nana's porch as they took a quick breather between sprints. Here are some other fun pics - Wii, always a favorite:
Such concentration and determination - go Brady and Luke!
Brady and Zander hanging out in their undies/diapers playing at the workbench:
Having a snack at one of Cousin Luke's T-ball games:
Watching Luke bat:Sharp uniform!
Luke running the bases:
Back in June - attending the Nature Valley Bike Festival in Uptown:
Viewing the race from the VIP deck (thanks Daddy):
Nana Pat and Zander watching as Luke and Brady headed down to the course for the Kids Race:
Luke and Brady each had a great race!
Whoa, look at those fancy medals!!
After dinner one night, Brady encouraging Zander to go into his jumpy-house:
Woo hoo - such fun!
More summer pics to follow soon... but first, two additional notes:
Zander would like to congratulate his friend Cole on the arrival his new sister, Fiona Grace! We are so excited for Cole and his family and can't wait to meet the latest addition. You may remember Cole and his family visiting us last fall:
Finally... last week, Zander and Mommy were driving to a big 'Celebrating Cultures' event at school (which, by the way, was excellent - Zander's classroom was decked out with Korean flags, dress, music, and cuisine!) when we were delighted to hear Daddy's voice... on the radio! It turned out Daddy was being interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio for a big advertising campaign launch he's been working on.
So what was the launch? You may recall that Daddy enjoyed a nine-day trip to Cannes, France (back in June) for his contributions to an advertising campaign at General Mills. The radio interview was related to the launch of that campaign, which has been extremely well received. The advertisement is for Fiber One 'Magic' Brownies - and features Cheech & Chong. Check out the campaign at Congratulations on all your hard work Daddy - we are very proud of you!! (For more coverage, google "jim wilson magic brownies".) Here's Daddy with the crew: