Monday, May 31, 2010

We Leave for Korea on Friday 6/4!!

We got our travel call middle of last week!!  (Probably about a week earlier than we had expected so we were very pleasantly surprised!)

Travel is booked for Friday, June 4 and we'll return the following Friday.  We should be able to see Zander for the 1st time on Monday and we cannot wait!!

We plan to post frequently and with lots of photos and some videos while we're gone!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Zander's Birthday Hanbok

We were thrilled to receive photos from Zander's first birthday celebration this week!  He sported a traditional Korean Hanbok to celebrate his special day on April 17th. 

We also learned this week that our paperwork has progressed from the Korean Ministry to the Embassy.  This means the end of our wait is near!!  The next call we receive will be to book our flights and travel to Seoul - hopefully sometime shortly after Memorial Day... we can't wait!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

It's a little strange to celebrate Mother's Day as a mother... who has not yet met her child!   Our paperwork is now officially at the Korean Ministry - indicating that our Travel Call will likely come sometime in June.  We are very hopeful that Zander will be with us for Father's Day, and continue to prepare for the big day. We recently attended two different 'Parenting' workshops (for parents adopting internationally) - a key theme that has emerged is that the experience will indeed be an adventure! 

On Saturday, we had lunch at a Korean restaurant, and then attended (with Amy's mom) an event featuring Korean Foods and Festivities.  We are including both radishes and cabbage as new additions to our vegetable garden this year so we can try our hand at making Kimchi, Korea's most well known dish. 

Jim recently assembled Zander's running stroller, and his new wagon.  The crowd of Zander fans eagerly awaiting his arrival continues to grow... they are pictured below testing out the new wheels (L to R: Singe, Leon, Shorty, Scoob, Froggie).  You can also see our veggie garden in the background.