Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Official!!

Today was a very special day for our family - we officially finalized Zander's adoption with an Adoption Hearing  at the Hennepin County Juvenile Court.  From the "all rise" as the judge entered the courtroom to the "I do" as we took our oaths, it was a very significant event in our lives.  Zander played quietly (with the airplane scribble board he received on the Korean Air flight home back in June) while Mommy and Daddy answered many questions pertaining to the adoption.  The judge ruled favorably to grant our adoption request, and then allowed us to take a photo of the momentous occasion:
 Here are the boys outside of the building:
We celebrated with a big family breakfast - we had a great time, and a delicious meal!
We love you Zander!  We are so thankful you have 'officially' joined our family!


  1. YEAH!!!!!! :)

    -Mary, John and Cole

  2. Congratulations Jim & Amy!!! You have a really great boy and Zander has really great parents. The perfect match. Love you all.

    Grandma Marie
